Its not just the Frankenstorm

Superstorm Sandy’s battering of the northeastern tri-state area was a sobering reminder of the realities of climate destabilization; the weather manifestations that occur when climate change has been underway. The Earth’s climatological balance is a precarious one and this years “Indian summer” in California is another prime example. Warm temperatures have persisted with continued warming … Read more

The Wrathful Planet: Fracking the Future

The Wrathful Planet – In recent decades, a technique for natural gas exploration and extraction known as ‘fracking’ has emerged which has had a ‘game changing’ impact for energy producers worldwide.  In existence since the 1940’s the current technique involves a modernized combination of several preexisting techniques: horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in combination with … Read more

The Wrathful Planet: The Earth does not Forgive

Talk of climate change in the mainstream media is primarily limited to abstract discussions about carbon dioxide emissions, melting ice, and rising sea-levels. Further, media attention tends to focus only on the most visible effects of Global Warming. Climate models show us that along with the melting of glaciers, coastal communities will cease to exist … Read more